Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Core

Each of my paragraphs has one main idea. Y / N

I have used correct grammar. Y / N

I have not started a sentence with 'But, So, And, Because' Y / N

My spelling is correct. Y / N


My sentences begin in different ways. Y / N

My sentences build upon the ones before. Y / N

My sentences are different lengths. Y / N

The meaning of each of my sentences is clear. Y / N

My sentences are complete. Y / N


My presentation runs in some order (signposted) Y / N

My introduction is exciting and inviting. Y / N

My ideas flow and are easy to understand. Y / N


The first word in each sentence. Y / N

People and product names. Y / N

Months and days. Y / N

Cities, states, and places. Y / N

Titles of books, films, concepts ... Y/ N


Every word seems just right. Y / N

My words paint pictures in the listener's mind. Y / N

I used strong verbs like darted and exclaimed. Y / N


I keep all of my presentation ideas in one place. Y / N

My ideas are written in my own words. Y / N

My details give the reader important information. Y / N

I have listened to suggestions from the teacher or other students. Y / N

Thursday, May 7, 2009


So far, you have;

- decided on a suitable subject,

- gathered research,

- considered the best angle and narrative for your presentation.

Now, you need to create the plan for putting it all together.

Your presentation will need;

- a beginning (introduction & preview)

- a middle (main message)

- an end (review & conclusion)

- signposts from beginning to end so that your listeners know where they are.

1. Introduction

Consider the following questions that your audience will have;

Who are you? My name is ______ .

What is your subject? I would like to tell you about ____

Why have you chosen it? because it's very _______ .



Thursday, April 30, 2009

2. Narrative

You have researched your subject, so it's time to tell your story.

Here's what you need:

1. An angle

2. A narrative viewpoint

3. Verb tense

How are you going to to tell your story?

You have a lot of research information that you need to package into a 5 minute presentation.

Do you have time to talk about everything you have researched?

Or is there a special part of your subject that makes it more interesting if you compare it with other, similar subjects?

Who is telling this story?

1st person; a story that you tell

- how you feel,

- what you do,

- where you go


3rd person; a story about facts

- 'It has ...'

- 'He/She is ...'

- 'They are ...'

Present or Future?

Simple, Continuous or Perfect?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Step 1. Preparation

Prepare! Prepare! Prepare!


Good preparation is essential for any presentation.


With good preparation and planning you will be fully confident.


Your audience will feel your confidence.


This will give you control.


With control, you will be 'in charge' and your audience will listen positively to your message.



Preparation tips

The 6 wise men; Where, Who, How, What, Why & When?


Can you find enough information about your subject to feel confident? If not, chose another subject.


Research resources;

  • Internet search engines (be sure to check your facts at )

  • Books

  • Newspapers

  • Magazines

  • Interviews

  • Documentaries

  • Television

  • Academic research papers